Education, Culture and Society 2015 (14-17.09.2015) is an International Academic Conference organised by academics and students of social sciences and humanities for academics and students of social sciences, art studies and humanities from all over the world.

The aim of the conference is the promotion of young academics as well as creation of an international transdisciplinary academic community. The main topics will be problems of contemporary education related to the cultural and social change. 

All  kind of academics: professors, students, post-graduate students, doctoral candidates and young Ph.D.’s representing different branches of social sciences, art studies and humanities may take part in the conference.


The organisers of the conference are:
Foundation “Pro Scientia Publica” (
University of Third Age in the University of Wroclaw (

The opening of the conference will take place in the Aula Leopoldina of the University of Wroclaw (pl. Uniwersytecki 1, Wroclaw, POLAND) The proceedings of the conference will take place in the University of the Third Age in the University of Wroclaw and in the Institute of Pedagogy/ Psychology of the University of Wrocław (ul. J. Wl. Dawida 1, Wroclaw. POLAND). Participants could book the conference hotel after the confirmation of the conference application.

Conference participants are entitled to submit their papers for the international academic semi-annual “Journal of Education, Culture and Society” (

The language of all proceedings (lectures, papers, posters, discussions) is English.


application 2015


deadlines 2015


As we have many inquiries about the possibility of applying after the deadline, we have decided to extend it.
The extended deadline for applying for the conference is
The extended deadline for the conference fee is 17.04.2015
If you apply after 28.02.2015, your paper will be submitted for the
issue 2/2015 of the "Journal of Education, Culture and Society". In this case the deadline for sending manuscripts is 31.08.2015. The issue will be printed in December 2015.


the final program


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