A linguistic analysis of sexist statements by Janusz Korwin-Mikke

Kamila Kuros



In the following paper the author has performed a linguistic analysis of several chosen sexist remarks by Janusz Korwin-Mikke in order to prove how stereotypically women are regarded by the famous politician. This conservative man treats stereotypes as a proof of good order and fights to prevent women from trying to change what for thousands of years has given the general order and happiness for male sex and, in his opinion, for female sex. Significant for the author’s paper has been the importance of antifeminist’s texts within pragmatic and semantic aspect. The paper has concentrated on solely the linguistic aspect - in detail there have been discussed among other things: aphorisms and neologisms which are used by the controversial politician. In the paper the author has tried to prove that J. Korwin-Mikke’s language provokes and insults the opposite sex.


Key words:

the Polish language, sex, antifeminism, a linguistic picture of the world


DOI: 10.15503/jecs20111-107-121


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