Places of remembrance in citizenship education

Kinga Majchrzak

Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń Poland



The text starts with a short introduction. Then the concept of place is defi ned and its inherent characteristics are described: its symbolism, multi-sided nature and multidisci-plinary connotations. Afterwards the principles of place-based pedagogy are presented and it’s eclectic character is pointed out. Then, attempt is made to explain the idea of the places of r emembrance from the standpoint of history and pedagogy. In the fi nal part the author relates to educational potential of places of remembrance and takes a stance on the role of places of remembrance in citizenship education.


Key words:

place, pedagogy of place, places of remembrance, citizenship education, civic competences, historical thinking


DOI: 10.15503/jecs20121-7-14


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