Career perspectives and reality for pedagogy graduates in 2012 using the example of the students of the University of Wrocław majoring in rehabilitation
University of Wrocław Poland
The subject of the article is the issue of career development of students that have gradu-ated from 5-years pedagogy studies with the master diploma at the University of Wroc ław in 2011. The article is supposed to confront the assumed profi le of the pedagogy graduates placed on the university website with the reality on the job market. The essential assump-tion of the article is the attempt to receive the most possible comprehensive picture of the former students’ career perspectives and the reality they encounter on the basis of their relation, not only the statistics available. The article will also cover the analysis of the quali-fi cations gained during the studies but also all other factors that turned out to be helpful to fi nd an employment consistent with their expectations.
Key words:
career development of graduates, factors helpful in getting the actual employment, job market, additional forms of education, employment of graduates University of Wrocław
DOI: 10.15503/jecs20122-99-112