The linguistic lacunicon: cognitive mapping in schemes and terms
Tetiana Anokhina
Kyiv National Linguistic University, Vasylkovska Str., 73, Kyiv 03150, Ukraine
The new linguistic science lacunology has come into prominence recently. The lacunae studies embrace sociolinguistics, nonverbal semiotics and applied linguistics studies. The re-search of terms of lacunology (lacunicon) is devoted to empty places in the structure of the contrasting languages and the ways of zero verbalization in the written and oral discourse. The empty category of the category “lacunarity” has been studied by the Canadian transla-tors Jean Paul Vinay (1910-1999) and Jean Darbelnet (1904-1990), the Russian pioneers of lacu-nology Yuriy Sorokin (1936-2009) and Gulchera Bikova and their followers. The research has resulted in the cognitive mind mapping. It turned out that lacunarity has several vectors, e.g. lacunae of language (i), lacunae of speech (ii), lacunae of cognition (iii) to be further discussed in the article. The basic terms of lacunicon are described. These are a pause in syntagmatics, a linguistic gap in paradigmatics, a lacuna in both diachronic and synchronic regimes.
Key words:
lacunology, lacunicon, gaps, lacunae of language, lacunae of speech, lacunae of cognition
DOI: 10.15503/jecs20131-166-174