Secular and religious coping strategies in women: the age-related aspect
Tetiana B. Partyko
I. Franko Lviv National University, University Str. 1, Lviv, Ukraine Mariana Z. Iesyp
I. Franko Lviv National University, University Str. 1, Lviv, Ukraine
This article highlights the research fi ndings of the peculiarities of using secular and re-ligious coping strategies by women of different age groups (from age 19 to 70). Focusing on describing age dynamics in coping strategies, it shows that the tendency to use one or other methods of coping with diffi culties is age-related. The research revealed the differences with regard to the object of control in problematic situations and resource origin between two age groups: early and late adulthood. Additionally, it is assumed that women’s subjec-tive resource of overcoming diffi culties includes emotional self-control, while their objective resource--educational level and employment.
Key words:
secular and religious coping-strategies, age-related dynamics, adults, women
DOI: 10.15503/jecs20131-209-218