Maternal identity of women in the postpartum period


Maria B. Perun
Ivan Franko Lviv National University, University Str. 1, Lviv, Ukraine



 The article provides a theoretical analysis of the notions of “maternity”, “maternal sphe-re”, “maternal role” and “maternal identity”. The place of maternal identity in the system of a woman’s identities is determined. This article provides a brief description of the structural elements (cognitive, emotional, behavioural and axiological) of maternal identity. It also em-phasizes the signifi cance of the postpartum period in a women’s psychic life and stresses its pivotal role in the development of maternal identity. Finally, the article points out some peculiarities of maternal identity of full-term and pre-term mothers.


Key words:

 maternal identity, postpartum period, stages of maternity, full term infants, preterm infants


  DOI: 10.15503/jecs20131-95-105


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