A linguistic picture of the world and expression of emotions through the prism of expressive lexis
Comenius University in Bratislava, Vajanského nábrežie, Staré Mesto, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia
This paper deals with expressive lexis, which is understood as the expression of emo-tions. Through this prism we would like to present a picture of the world which is formed by the opposites, emotional – rational. This picture would also present some examples of speech that is created in the mind as a result of man’s preferences and values. The relation of language and mind, formation of a picture of the world on the basis of both linguistic and extralinguistic foundations, projection of emotions and assessments on language – all of these components are inspiring avenues and this paper trys to enlighten the basis of expressive linguistic inventory of the users of the Slovak language.
Key words:
picture of the world, expressive lexis, emotions, stereotype, language, mind, assessment
DOI: 10.15503/jecs20132-297-308