“Journal of Education Culture and Society” 2014 issue 1
Application of Mind Map-based abstracting technique in pedagogical strategy for ESP teaching/learning
Ekaterina Choporova
Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Interior, Prospekt Patriotov, 53, 394065, Voronezh, Russia
E-mail address: choporova_ekaterina@mail.ru
The work presents some theoretical and practical results of the abstracting practice carried out by the teachers and cadets of Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Russia. The sources used in the experiment were of British and American origin, equally authentic, and were mainly of engineering content because of the cadets’ speciality. The main purpose of the experiment was focused on the primary source adequate abstract making as a product of a keen understanding of social and professional aspects, views, and anticipations of English-speaking nations. The authors analyzed a number of current approaches towards abstract making procedures and offered an original system of the education strategy by means of Mind Map building technique.
Key words: ESP teaching/learning, pedagogical strategy, abstracting, Mind Maps-based technique, engineering specialities, sci-tech sources.
DOI: 10.15503/jecs20141-110-123