Distinctive features and types of interrelation between the indices of emotional and volitional personality sphere


Taisa Kyrylenko
Faculty of psychology, Taras Shevchenko National University,
Volodymyrska street 64/13, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine
E-mail address: kkst.emovol@gmail.com

Karina Shamlyan
Department of philosophy and psychology,
National Forestry University,
General Chuprynka 103, Lviv 79057, Ukraine
E-mail address: kkst.emovol@gmail.com


This article deals with the role of emotions in the will activity of the  personality. The analysis of the empirical study results shows that appraisal of the role of emotional experience depends on the level of will development of the individuals under study. A methodical technique has been applied, by which the indices of the emotional and volitional sphere are considered throughout different life periods of the individuals under study. Types of interrelation between the indices of will and emotions are highlighted which illustrate certain variants of the influence of emotional experience on the formation of the will structure of the personality.

Key words:

emotional and volitional sphere, emotional experience, emotions positive and negative, volitional organization of personality.


DOI: 10.15503/jecs20142.102.111                       pdf full version