"Journal of Education Culture and Society" 2015_2
Volitional organization of personality as a subject of empirical research
Karina Shamlyan
Department of philosophy and psychology, National Forestry University,
General Chuprynka 103, Lviv 79057, Ukraine
E-mail address: kkst.emovol@gmail.com
The article deals with empirical research of stable characteristics of volitional activity. Volitional organization of personality is considered as a system of volitional qualities that are naturally connected in a particular person. Different classifications of volitional qualities and approaches to empirical research are examined. The survey results of volitional qualities of students are investigated. The possibilities of reflexive methods in the research of volitional organization of personality are analyzed.
Key words:
volitional organization of personality, volitional qualities, willpower, volitional effort, empirical research, purposefulness
DOI: 10.15503/jecs20152.257.267 pdf full version