„Journal of Education Culture and Society” No 1 (2011)
.................................. 4
Aleksandra Marcinkiewicz, Institutions of higher education and the idea of lifelong learning...................................................................................... 5
Elżbieta Chwalibóg, Personality, temperament, organizational climate
and organizational citizenship behavior of volunteers ............................................... 19
Aleksandra Piasecka, John Ruskin’s word paintings in the context of his principle of clear vision as well as the biblical and rhetorical tradition...........................................................................................
....... 31
Mateusz Marecki, A Debate on the Relationship between Poetry and Politics in W.H. Auden’s In Memory of W.B. Yeats and A. Ostriker’s Elegy before the War ....................................................................... 50
Ilona Zakowicz, A Postmodern Thanatic Triad: Crisis, Pornography
and Renaissance of Death.............................................................................................. 59
Agata Kozak, Post-modern changes in marital and family life
............................................... 73
Polish Culture and Society
Anna Kolos, “Wildness” as a metaphor for self-definition of the colonised subject in the Positivist period in Poland............................81
Katarzyna Lisowska, Body, spirit and gender in Maria Komornicka’s
poetry ....................................................................................................
Kamila Kuros, A linguistic analysis of sexist statements
by Janusz Korwin-Mikke ...............................................................................107
Katarzyna Mazur, National identity and stereotypes of Poles
and Germans among rural youth in Opole Silesia ......................................122
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