Editor's Preface ...............................................................................4


SISAY MENGSTIE, Constructions of "otherness" and the role of education:
The case of Ethiopia

WIOLETA KAJAK, ".Superman and the princess lived happily ever after".
On the programme of universal development of socially maladjusted

IRYNA HORBAL, Psychological peculiarities of subjective well-being
of residents in geriatric homes

ALEKSANDRA MARCINKIEWICZ, The University of the Third Age as
an institution counteracting marginalization of older people


EXPRESSION ......................................................................................45


ILONA ZAKOWICZ, Old age - „how beautiful to be yourself".................47

SAMEER HAMDAN, Identifying the Linguistic Genderlects of the Style
of Writing of Arab Male and Female Novelists


MAKSYMILIAN DUBNYAK, OLENA KOSHMANOVA, Cross-Border Labor Migration in Europe: A View from the Emerging Civil Society in Ukraine...65

LIKA MKRTCHYAN, Turkey's multi-polar diplomacy on its way to the European Union....................................................................................80

SEVDA MUTLU, Development of european consciousness in Erasmus students...............................................................................................87

POLISH CULTURE AND SOOCIETY ......................................................103

MARTYNA TOMICZEK, Diaspora diplomacy - about a new dimension
of diplomacy, the example of a New Emigration non-governmental organisation

AGNIESZKA GIL, Between vanguard and exclusion- young people
of the twenty-first century
Index ..................................................................................................133

Standards of preparing scholarly texts for publication ...........................137