“Journal of Education Culture and Society” 2014 issue 1
Describing the concept of infinite among art, literature, philosophy and science: a pedagogical-didactic overview
Paolo Di Sia, Contract Professor
Faculty of Education, Free University of Bolzano, Viale Ratisbona 16, Bressanone, Italy
E-mail address: paolo.disia@gmail.com
In this work an interesting overview concerning the human attempts in the description of the concept of infinite is presented. This peculiar concept represents a cardinal point in the history of human culture, because man, with different modalities, has always compared with it. Historically the main followed streams were two: the rational and the irrational approaches. In the first approach we find disciplines such as philosophy, mathematics and physics; the second is the domain of literature, arts and religion. Some activities for developing ideas about the intuitive concept of the infinity at the level of compulsory education will be also given.
Key words: infinite, education, pedagogy, science, philosophy, humanities, art, religion
DOI: 10.15503/jecs20141-9-19